weapon training, tactical courses, knife fighting, weapon fighting, christophe clugston, fma, silat, libre knife system, TIGER CLAN–A little INFO – TIGER-CLAN: Weapon Fighters


Just Pass It Around


OKay, so we’ve been going a little while now and I realized that I really didn’t create a short video that you could pass around to others to let them know about hhe Facebook Group: Tiger-Clan Weapon Fighters or about what Tiger Clan was up to.


SO, I have rectified that problem with this short video.  Shot On location, somewhere in a parking garage in Thailand, IT’S JUST WILD.  (I go all out on expenses when filming these shorts.) Anyway, not a huge blog post,  just a call to arms–we need to increase our numbers.  Get more people in the group and more people to read the blog. Do it NOW.


Weapon up!


It’s up to you.

Oh, here’s that video