weapon training, tactical courses, knife fighting, weapon fighting, christophe clugston, fma, silat, libre knife system, Meet the EXPERTS – TIGER-CLAN: Weapon Fighters

Meet the EXPERTS

There are a vast amount of weapons, ancient to modern, to master. It’s obviously beyond one man to attempt to be an expert in all weapons. So, to help you become a Master at (of) Arms, Christophe Clugston has assembled a team of experts that spans the Globe– they live in the cities, the mountains, the valleys and the jungle–they speak many languagesthey are the Tiger Clan Weapon Masters. NOTE Only those with Operational Experience are allowed on this Weapons’ Master Team. 

Now, Prepare to Weapon Up

And Meet The Experts

Brandon Cole 


Lives in: USA

EXPERT: Philosophy of Weapons/Tactics/Strategy

Brandon Expert


A former professional fighter, Brandon has appeared in videos, DVDs and International Martial Arts magazines with Christophe Clugston. He is known for his indepth research on the mindset of warriors from both the Oriental and Occidental Combat Arts. He has taken part in physical movement research on the Carranza Circle School of Cut/Thrust Sword and Dagger of the Spanish. He pursues the underlying connection found in warrior cultures such as the Vikings, Celts, and Renaissance duelers. Brandon’s aim is to develop a perfect  mind, spirit and body for combat.



Mike Cartier

Lives in: USA

EXPERT: HEMA Occidental Weapons



Mike studied Karate and Gung fu in his youth, before finding a home in the JKD world. It is there that he studied Kali/Escrima under the Inosanto system as well as Muay Thai, Junfan Gungfu , BJJ and boxing. He also dabbled for years in amateur MMA. (That was nearly 20 years ago though.) For the last 16 years or so Mike has been working in Historical European Martial Arts reconstructions. Within HEMA his focus quickly gelled around the Fechmeister Joahim Meyer and ‘his most excellent works,’ as Mike says. He is now a Unterhauptmann and one of the forming members of the Meyer Freifechter Guild, an international historical fencing guild with 44 study groups around the world and nearly 500 members specifically dedicated to the works of Joachim Meyer. Mike holds teaching credentials with the guild for Longsword, Dussack and Dagger; he regularly teaches all 3, as well as Polearms, Rapier and Ringen.



Christophe Clugston

Lives in: South East Asia

EXPERT: Commando Blunt Weapons, Combat JKD, Comhrac Bas, Spanish Circle, Commando Knife Method,  APEX, Combat-Judo, and KARMA

Clugston Fighter A


Although Christophe is an academic linguist, professional writer and aspiring stunt/actor, he is largely known for unarmed combat and his Fighting System: he’s fought professionally (75 fights on 3 continents) Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Shootboxing, and K1. He’s appeared in videos, DVDs, newspapers, magazines on TV and radio in various countries (e.g., Holland, Spain, USA, Thailand, Canada). He has pioneered the rebirth of Roman Gladiator training, Norse Viking training, Spanish Blade training and Frontier fighting as well as Paris street fighting. He holds instructor/trainer status in Combat JKD, Comhrac Bas, Combat-Judo, PROELIUM ARS, Muay Thai, K1, Boxing, Catch as Catch Can grappling. With weapons he is an instructor in Filipino Marine Corps Kali and a privileged instructor of Heyrosa Close Combat Eskrima. He has worked CP, bouncer and high risk security. He also teaches anti kidnapping evasion driving.  Christophe has held thousands of seminars and personal training for a variety of students. He is also Subject Matter Expert for various military units–a topic area he says is his preference. His complete bio can be found on http:www.fluentfighting.com and http:www.combat-judo.com


English, Spanish, Italian, French.

Felipe P. Jocano Jr.

Lives in: the Philippines

EXPERT: Filipino Martial Arts, Indonesian Combat Arts, History, Anthropology, Comparative Warrior Cultures, Film Consultant



Felipe is a professor of cultural anthropology at the University of the Philippines. His considerable knowledge and expertise was sought out by the producers of THE BLADED HAND documentary. He appears in the documentary as a subject matter expert. A scholar of the indigenous combat arts, Felipe is an instructor in Lighting Scientific Arnis and Kalis Illustrimo.  He is well known among the FMA insiders’ circles. And conducted a TedX on life, learning and the Filipino martial arts. In addition to FMA and silat, Felipe also practices Chinese martial arts, most notably the five ancestor system. On top of this, he continues to research the Spanish connection to the development of FMA. His academic work has helped to clarify and demystify the Filipino Combat Arts.


Tagalog, English, Ilonggo

Jorge Emilio Prina

Vive en: Argentina

EXPERTO:  Esgrima Criolla



En las palabras de Jorge: ‘Hola soy maestro de esgrima criolla, y enseño esgrima criolla en una escuela en mi ciudad, y viajo los fines de semana a enseñar en Buenos Aires, y doy seminarios. el grupo de gente es grande, pero disperso, tengo instructores en diferentes lugares, pero en todos pocos alumnos, buscamos difundir la disciplina pura, no comercialmente,y bueno, eso lo hace mas selectivo pero cuando hay gente que se queda, es gente de ley, fiel.’



Andrés Pino Morales

Vive en: Chile

Representante en Chile del sistema Esgrima Criolla

Andres Ayudante


Experiencia en artes marciales: Comienza la práctica de artes marciales a los 10 años de edad, ha incursionado en varios sistemas y estilos de artes marciales y defensa personal, dentro de lo que se destacan por alcanzar los grados de segundo Dan en Combatives, segundo dan en defensa personal, primer dan en Hapkido, instructor de Defendo con respecto a sistemas de trabajos con armas ha entrenado diversos sistemas filipinos como kali doce pares, pekiti tirsia y kali ilustrísimo donde obtuvo el grado de monitor, actualmente es representante en Chile del sistema Esgrima Criolla, investiga sobre el uso del corvo (cuchillo chileno) y es Co fundador del grupo de combate con armas  Cruzada Brotherhood Sparring Chile.


Inglés,   Español

Juan Carlos Acuña Hinojosa 

Vive en: Chile

EXPERTO: Cuchillo, Armas de Sudamérica



Investigador del corvo chileno. Asistente a seminarios de Esgrima Criolla. Médico cirujano especialista en Anatomía Patológica, ex médico de la Fuerza Aérea de Chile, ex médico de urgencias, ex bombero y Profesor Asociado de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile


Inglés,   Español


Send me your bio and credentials.

I am looking for those with operational experience (not theory) especially wanted is a sniper among others

Send through the message system on the Facebook Tiger-Clan: Weapon Fighter Group.