weapon training, tactical courses, knife fighting, weapon fighting, christophe clugston, fma, silat, libre knife system, Christophe Clugston – TIGER-CLAN: Weapon Fighters

Tagged: Christophe Clugston


Just Pass It Around   OKay, so we’ve been going a little while now and I realized that I really didn’t create a short video that you could pass around to others to let...

Roman Combat at the Sword

The Gladius Those of you who are acquainted with  my work will quickly recognize that my connection to Roman Close Combat is immense. It was the genesis of Comhrac Bas and the more over...

Los Cuchillos de La Lucha

Esgrima Criolla: Cuchillos de pelea. (Este articulo fue escrito por Jorge Prina, uno de los expertos de TIGER CLAN) El cuchillo fue concebido como arma, hay muchos modelos de cuchillos de combate para pelea,...